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Japanese genuine oils

What is the minimum quantity of order?
Our minimum quantity of order is 4 pallets, which is 108 cases.
What is the maximum loading capacity of a 20 ft container?
20ft container: 800 cases if loaded without pallets, or 540 cases if loaded on pallets.
For full container orders we recommend loading without pallets, since 260 more cases can be loaded, and no additional domestic charges will apply. We charge additional 10,000 yen per each pallet for palletizing, wrapping, stickering and pallet handling.
Can I pay by LC, PayPal or Western Union?
Sorry, currently we accept payments only by TT.
How long does it take for my order to be shipped?
The leading time varies from 3 to 6 weeks, and largely depends on the ordered items and the quantity of order per each item. The leading time for Toyota oils is approximately 5 weeks if the volume of order per 1 type of oil does not exceed 200 cases. The leading time for Nissan and Mitsubishi oils is roughly 3 weeks, the quantity must not exceed 100 cases per 1 type of oil. The leading time for Honda oils is about 4-5 weeks, the quantity must not exceed 100 cases per 1 type of oil. It usually takes 5-6 weeks to fulfill orders for Subaru and Mazda oils.  
If your order contains all of the above oil brands, the final leading time will be adjusted to the leading time of the “slowest” items, and will take at least 6 weeks. 
Multiple container orders have to be discussed separately.
Who arranges the shipment of my order?
It’s up to you to decide. We can arrange shipment for you using our existing shipping network, or you can arrange the shipment of your order by yourself if you have any valid contracts with international shipping companies, or if you feel that you could get a more attractive shipping rate for your destination from another carrier.
Can I order if I want to arrange export by myself, using my local agent in Japan?
Yes, you can. We can arrange the delivery of your order to any address in Japan. However, there will be additional expenses for you. We will have to charge you for the inland delivery, and the 10% VAT which is compulsory for all domestic deals (if we don’t export by ourselves, the deal will be considered as a “domestic deal” by the Japanese Tax Office, and we will have to pay the 10% VAT). 
Can you provide samples?
No, we don’t provide samples. We supply genuine oils of well-known Japanese car brands, which are already famous enough and need no introduction. These days Japanese genuine oils are available in almost any country in the world, and samples can be easily obtained from a local official dealer or a lubricant supplier. We can send you detailed pictures of the oil canister if required, but we can’t send samples.​​​​​​​
Can you supply the “export versions” of Japanese genuine oils?
No, we cannot, since the “export versions” are manufactured outside of Japan.
Some Japanese genuine oils are manufactured in 2 versions, the “domestic version” and the “export version”. We can only supply the “domestic versions” which are manufactured and marketed in Japan.  For example, all genuine oils of Japanese brands packed in plastic canisters are the “export versions”, which are not manufactured in Japan, so we cannot supply them. There are also some “export versions” packed in metal canisters, but we cannot supply them as well as they are not manufactured in Japan either.